Sunday, December 17, 2006


The first weekend in October I had to go to Chicago with my office for a seminar. We flew from St. Louis to Chicago and then took the L (Chicago's finest public trasit system) from the airport to our Hotel right in downtown Chicago. (picture from left to right - Linda (Dental Asst.), me, Trudy (Office Mgr.), and Carol (Dr. Moorkamp's wife))

The weather was absolutely perfect that weekend which made for a nice time in downtown Chicago. We walked down to Navy Pier one night as the sun was setting. They had a haunted house set up at the end of of the pier called Navy Fear. Along the pier there were people dressed up in costumes that scared people who walked by. Dr. Moorkamp suggested I should get my picture taken with one of them. This guy was very creepy, mainly because he looked like Michael Jackson! :) He would run up to people walking by and eject the fake person out of the wheelchair at them! It was so funny!

One night I got to pick where we would eat and of course I chose the place that brought back memories from my childhood - The Rainforest Cafe! It was pretty fun and we all got our picture taken by the gorillas. (from left to right - Dr. Moorkamp, me, Linda (Dental Asst.), Trudy(Office Mgr.))

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