I am so thankful it is Friday! For some reason this week has just been dragging on. I generally don't have to work on Fridays, but today I had to go into work. Luckily I didn't have to do anything (other than having Dr. Moorkamp clean my teeth). It always feels so good to have your teeth cleaned!
I also visited my new physician - who was very nice. I have been having some weird tingling on my left arm and leg - but so far it looks like I am just fine. We are going to continue to monitor it, but she thinks it just may have to do with my job. I have to keep my arm cocked in certain positions for long periods of time and so we think I may have just pinched a nerve or something. (so don't worry about me anymore mom! Dr. Moorkamp made sure to look after me and actually called to schedule the appointment for me! :) )
I am going to go get my hair cut today as well! I am so bad about getting my hair cut on a schedule. It think it has been since March that I had it cut...oops! I don't think I am going to do anything too drastic, just a trim...if I change my mind I'll be sure to post a picture of it!
Linda (the dental assistant) invited me to go bowling with her tonight. She is quite the bowler, so I'm a little intimidated, but it should be fun. She has a daughter who is around my age that lives in Montana, so I think she enjoys having me around so she can feel as though she has someone to look after. I am actually very well looked after here in Rolla - I've got Dr. Moorkamp, his wife Carol, and Linda all making sure that I don't feel "parentless". It is nice knowing that if I ever need anything I have plenty of people to call.
I'm not sure what else I will do this weekend, if the weather is nice I may take Ziggy swimming at this small lake about 10 minutes away. He really likes the water, so we play fetch with this neat "ball on a string" type thing that floats. I have been very impressed with him lately - he has gotten a lot better about listening to me and staying with me when we go outside. I think it is pretty impressive seeing that he is only about 10 months old. Last weekend we went to the lake and I didn't have to keep him on a leash (even with all the butterflies that were tempting him!) Whenever he would have one fly in front of his face he would get distracted, but as soon as I said his name he would shake his head and proceed on his original course to retrieve his toy from the lake. For a hunting dog like him I'd say that is a pretty big achievement. Any sort of animal/insect is normally quite a distraction for him! :) We also have been taking short walks around the block without his leash and for the most part he follows right by my side (except when he sees a bunny rabbit, then his gets low to the ground and does like a army crawl type move to try to sneak up on it!) The poor dog has such a strong instinct to hunt...I really probably should train him to hunt with me! I'm sure he would really enjoy it.
Well anyway, enough rambling about my baby - I really must get ready for my hair appointment.