(I decorated these bright pink margarita glasses with puffy paint and black gems and wrote each girls' name on one.)
Monday, April 09, 2007
Chrissy's Bachelorette Party
Spring Has Sprung...And Ziggy Can't Stand It!
Just yesterday all of Ziggy's favorite little critters (except birds) were having their dinner in our backyard at the same time! There were 2 bunnies, a squirrel, and our groundhog! He could hardly stand looking at them. Half the time he was standing on his hind legs just whining! :)

Monday, March 26, 2007
Weekend In St. Louis
Ziggy really just wanted to be friends, but as you can tell the cats wanted nothing to do with him.
Kaiya was such a good girl in her stroller at the zoo. She is really liking Cheerios right now so while the rest of us ate our lunch at the zoo she sat very content just eating Cheerios.
She seemed to have fun looking at all the animals. She would say "ooo, ooo" and point and then let out a screach trying to get the animals' attention.
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Kaiya Grace

Wedding Dress
Monday, January 15, 2007
I actually finished this 1,000 piece puzzle in one day...which is probably not something I should admit because I'm sure it makes me sound like a pathetic geek! :) But oh well, I suppose sometimes I am. My power went out Friday night, came back on Saturday around 11:00a.m. and then went out again Saturday night, but came back on around 4:00a.m. on Sunday. I am hoping that this will be the end of the power outages, but there is a whole lot of ice on the branches and power lines so if we get any sort of wind tonight I would imagine the power may go out again. While I was at work today I took these pictures of all the ice. It was quite a sight for me to see - I don't think I've ever seen that much ice on tree branches before. I'm truly surprised there haven't been more power outages.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
While the cat's away, the mice (or mouse in this case) play! :)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
car ride
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Our Christmas was nice - but I really hate growing up! Christmas just never seems as fun and exciting as it did when I was younger. First of all, we draw names for gift giving in my family and NO ONE can keep who they have a secret. In my opinion the best part of gift giving/receiving is the surprise. Second, ever since Rachel has been married we have had to share her (thus changing our Christmas traditions). It really sucks because I always loved waking up early on Christmas morning to the smell of cinnamon rolls baking in the oven. While we waited for them to bake, we would open all our Christmas presents (most of which were SURPRISES). Next we would sit down to a wonderful breakfast consisting of cinnamon rolls (or pecan rolls) and warm grapefruit with little cherries on top. (I personally hate the grapefruit, but it's just not Christmas without it on the table!) Now Rachel doesn't come until Christmas night...TOTALLY ruining my favorite traditions! :)
Well this year I decided I was going to bring back at least one Christmas tradition...Santa's Cookies! I painted this plate at Pottery Bayou in Winona Lake and decided it is going to become the new "Santa Cookie Plate."

It was very hard to come back to Missouri, I really miss Brent, my family, and my friends a lot. May can't seem to come soon enough! I left Ziggy at Brent's house for the next three weeks. I am planning on packing a bunch of my stuff in my Escape to take back to Indiana with me when I go back on the 22nd. I didn't really realize how lonely I would be without him. Last night it took me a while to fall asleep because I couldn't get warm. I am used to having Ziggy sleep next to me, and he wasn't there. Then I woke up this morning and rolled over to hug him and once again, he wasn't there. I got out of bed and walked out to the kitchen, and he wasn't there to follow me! I thought I was lonely before, but now with Ziggy gone it is EXTREMELY lonely. I caught myself almost crying each time I'd think of him or look at his food bowl or toys. I don't know what I'm going to do when I have actual children and they aren't around! :) But obviously by the looks of this picture, Ziggy probably doesn't even notice I'm gone!